
In the beginning…

God Created…

And said,

“It is Good!”


Imagine the infant world in all it’s perfection.

Imagine what it was like when every single relationship,

(People with God – People with People- and People with Earth) was utterly perfect.


Take a moment to think of the good things God has created in this world.  Leave a comment below to share it with the world, before moving to the Next Step in The Journey

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Bonnie Giencke

    SOMETIMES it just takes time to find Beauty in everything God CREATED in this World…I believe we all need to slow down, take the time to look around, and appreciate everything…

  2. Carolyn Masterson

    I love what Bonnie said…we rush too much and don’t take time to appreciate all that God has created
    Especially this Spring when everything is new and blooming I want to remember how wonderful God’s creation still is!

  3. [email protected]

    It may sound cheesey, but especially as my kids play outside today with neighbor children…there is just something about the joy kids find in the world that is SO beautiful.

  4. Margaret Madsen

    As I reflect on God’s suffering today I take a deep breath and await Easter morning.

  5. Tracy Gingrass

    The sunlight, in all it’s brightness and gold, illuminating everything that we can’t see in the dark…is So Very Good.

  6. Bess and Jason

    A Fall breeze, the smell of my kids’ skin after they’ve played in the sun, the squish of sand when trying to dig for coquina on the beach, the nudge of a baby from inside you abdomen, the soft, thin hair of a newborn baby…

  7. Linda Arshem

    Birds singing, the sunrise, daffodils in bloom, morning cup of coffee…reminders God loves us and present in all things.

  8. Victoria Randall

    The simplicities and intricacies of nature and humankind We’re blessed to share, wonder, and marvel God’s creations.

  9. Victoria Randall

    Sharing cherished family moments whether it be through family visits, hearing stories of the past, or photographs.Experiencing a bird’s eye view from a mountain top, hot air ballon, or the hill in my backyard. Bodies of water, floating on top, diving in, or exploring the depths- magnificent gifts of God.

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