Latest Past Events

Monday Bible Study – Members House

Like the early church, we are passionate about studying the Bible. That’s why we have in-home Bible Study Groups. These small groups meet every Monday at 6:30 pm in a home and provide you with the opportunity to deepen your understanding of God’s Word while establishing lasting relationships with other Christians. Get connected today with […]

K.I.C.K Start Sunday School

Our Saviors Lutheran Church - Hartland W299n5782 County Hwy E, Hartland

Sign up for K.I.C.K START - Teens, Kids & Tots! What's K.I.C.K. stand for? Kids In Christ's Kingdom! This program has ENERGY! LIFE! JOY! All the things you want for your kiddo's at Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Church! TO SIGN UP....Email: [email protected] Include your family name and all kids names/ages.

Sunday 9am Worship

In person Worship is encouraged every Sunday at 9am.  We try to have the service streamed online in real time, depending on volunteers.