Latest Past Events

K.I.C.K Start Sunday School

Our Saviors Lutheran Church - Hartland W299n5782 County Hwy E, Hartland

Sign up for K.I.C.K START - Teens, Kids & Tots! What's K.I.C.K. stand for? Kids In Christ's Kingdom! This program has ENERGY! LIFE! JOY! All the things you want for your kiddo's at Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Church! TO SIGN UP....Email: [email protected] Include your family name and all kids names/ages.

Sunday 9am Worship

Our Saviors Lutheran Church - Hartland W299n5782 County Hwy E, Hartland

In person Worship is encouraged every Sunday at 9am.  We try to have the service streamed online in real time, depending on volunteers.

Thursday Bible Study at Church

Our Saviors Lutheran Church - Hartland W299n5782 County Hwy E, Hartland

A good way to start the day every single day is to declare the Word of God and thank Him for it. Jesus taught that his disciples “should always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1).